F1 Track Starting Grid and Final Result Correlations
The correlation number in the chart below shows how much the drivers’ final position in the race is explained by their starting grid position. The highest possible correlation of 1 would indicate that every driver finished in the exact same position as they started in. A correlation of 0 would mean there is no relation between starting and finishing positions and a negative correlation would mean that a lower starting position will produce a higher finishing position. As unlikely as it is, a negative correlation has occured twice (out of 398 races) since 2008 - in 2008 in Singapore and in 2019 in Hockenheim. Also, the 2021 Belgian GP had a perfect correlation of 1.
Regardless the overall correlation of a track might be an indicator of the tracks ability to have exciting races on it. Provided there is a large enough sample.
F1 Track Starting Grid and Final Result Correlations | ||||
From 2008 to 2022 | ||||
# of Races | Correlation | |||
1 | Mugello | 1 | 0.916 |
2 | Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours | 8 | 0.890 |
3 | Circuit Zandvoort | 1 | 0.874 |
4 | Korean International Circuit | 4 | 0.870 |
5 | Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya | 21 | 0.854 |
6 | Autódromo Internacional do Algarve | 2 | 0.854 |
7 | Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez | 6 | 0.842 |
8 | Yas Marina Circuit | 13 | 0.837 |
9 | Circuit Paul Ricard | 3 | 0.836 |
10 | Circuit of The Americas | 9 | 0.833 |
11 | Hungaroring | 21 | 0.830 |
12 | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 7 | 0.818 |
13 | Buddh International Circuit | 3 | 0.813 |
14 | Shanghai International Circuit | 16 | 0.810 |
15 | Circuit de Monaco | 20 | 0.806 |
16 | Valencia Street Circuit | 5 | 0.802 |
17 | Marina Bay Street Circuit | 12 | 0.792 |
18 | Intercity Istanbul Park | 9 | 0.791 |
19 | F1 Average | 398 | 0.786 |
20 | Jeddah Corniche Circuit | 2 | 0.784 |
21 | Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve | 18 | 0.783 |
22 | Nürburgring | 11 | 0.782 |
23 | Silverstone Circuit | 22 | 0.774 |
24 | Autodromo Nazionale Monza | 21 | 0.772 |
25 | Suzuka International Racing Course | 17 | 0.772 |
26 | Red Bull Ring | 13 | 0.770 |
27 | Autódromo José Carlos Pace | 20 | 0.760 |
28 | Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit | 20 | 0.751 |
29 | Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari | 9 | 0.750 |
30 | Sepang International Circuit | 17 | 0.744 |
31 | Hockenheimring | 13 | 0.738 |
32 | Losail International Circuit | 1 | 0.730 |
33 | Bahrain International Circuit | 18 | 0.729 |
34 | Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps | 19 | 0.713 |
35 | Bahrain International Circuit – Outer Track | 1 | 0.708 |
36 | Sochi Autodrom | 8 | 0.679 |
37 | Baku City Circuit | 5 | 0.643 |
38 | Fuji Speedway | 2 | 0.573 |